Generate Preshared Key Ascii Solaris

  1. Linksys Pre Shared Key
  2. Wpa Pre Shared Key Linksys
  3. Pre Shared Key Blackberry
  4. Generate Preshared Key Ascii Solaris Free

If your system is communicating with a system that requires ASCII preshared keys, you need to generate one key in two formats, hexadecimal and ASCII. In this example, the Oracle Solaris system administrator wants 56 characters of keying material. The administrator uses the following command to generate a hexadecimal key from an ASCII passphrase.

I want to use encryption algorithm available in.Net Security namespace, however I am trying to understand how to generate the key, for example AES algorithm needs 256 bits, that 16 bytes key,. This article discusses how to configure a preshared key for use with Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP). To use L2TP in Windows Server 2003, you must have a public key infrastructure (PKI) to issue computer certificates to the virtual private network (VPN) server and to clients so that the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) authentication process can occur. The administrator places this value in the ike.preshared file on the Solaris system. # Shared key in hex (192 bits) key 726d On Windows XP which requires ASCII preshared keys, the passphrase is the preshared key. The Solaris system administrator telephones the other administrator with the passphrase, welcome. Generate random numbers and construct a key of the appropriate length. For details, see How to Generate Random Numbers on a Solaris System.If you are generating a preshared key for a Solaris system that is communicating with an operating system that requires ASCII, see Example 22–1. Oct 19, 2009  In addition to enterprise- or corporate-level security concerns, WPA also provides a Pre-Shared Key version (WPA-PSK) that is intended for use in small office, home office (SOHO) or home wireless networks. Cisco Aironet Client Utility (ACU) does not support WPA-PSK. Static Key Mini-HOWTO. Generate a static key: openvpn -genkey -secret static.key. Copy the static key to both client and server, over a pre-existing secure channel. Server configuration file. Run OpenVPN as a daemon (Linux/BSD/Solaris/MacOSX only).

Azure S2S VPN connections provide secure, cross-premises connectivity between customer premises and Azure. This tutorial walks through IPsec S2S VPN connection life cycles such as creating and managing a S2S VPN connection. You learn how to:

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  • Create an S2S VPN connection
  • Update the connection property: pre-shared key, BGP, IPsec/IKE policy
  • Add more VPN connections
  • Delete a VPN connection

The following diagram shows the topology for this tutorial:

Working with Azure Cloud Shell and Azure PowerShell

This article uses PowerShell cmdlets. To run the cmdlets, you can use Azure Cloud Shell. The Azure Cloud Shell is a free interactive shell that you can use to run the steps in this article. It has common Azure tools preinstalled and configured to use with your account.

To open the Cloud Shell, just select Try it from the upper right corner of a code block. You can also launch Cloud Shell in a separate browser tab by going to Select Copy to copy the blocks of code, paste it into the Cloud Shell, and press enter to run it.


Complete the first tutorial: Create VPN gateway with Azure PowerShell to create the following resources:

  1. Resource group (TestRG1), virtual network (VNet1), and the GatewaySubnet
  2. VPN gateway (VNet1GW)

The virtual network parameter values are listed below. Note the additional values for the local network gateway which represent your on-premises network. Change the values below based on your environment and network setup, then copy and paste to set the variables for this tutorial. If your Cloud Shell session times out, or you need to use a different PowerShell window, copy and paste the variables to your new session and continue the tutorial.


If you are using this to make a connection, be sure to change the values to match your on-premises network. If you are just running these steps as a tutorial, you don't need to make changes, but the connection will not work.

The workflow to create an S2S VPN connection is straightforward:

  1. Create a local network gateway to represent your on-premises network
  2. Create a connection between your Azure VPN gateway and the local network gateway

Create a local network gateway

A local network gateway represents your on-premises network. You can specify the properties of your on-premises network in the local network gateway, including:

  • Public IP address of your VPN device
  • On-premises address space
  • (Optional) BGP attributes (BGP peer IP address and AS number)

Create a local network gateway with the New-AzLocalNetworkGateway command.

Create a S2S VPN connection

Next, create a Site-to-Site VPN connection between your virtual network gateway and your VPN device with the New-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection. Notice that the '-ConnectionType' for Site-to-Site VPN is IPsec.

Add the optional '-EnableBGP $True' property to enable BGP for the connection if you are using BGP. It is disabled by default. Parameter '-ConnectionProtocol' is optional with IKEv2 as default. You can create the connection with IKEv1 protocols by specifying -ConnectionProtocol IKEv1.

Update the VPN connection pre-shared key, BGP, and IPsec/IKE policy

View and update your pre-shared key

Azure S2S VPN connection uses a pre-shared key (secret) to authenticate between your on-premises VPN device and the Azure VPN gateway. You can view and update the pre-shared key for a connection with Get-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionSharedKey and Set-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionSharedKey.


The pre-shared key is a string of printable ASCII characters no longer than 128 in length.

This command shows the pre-shared key for the connection:

The output will be 'Azure@!b2C3' following the example above. Use the command below to change the pre-shared key value to 'Azure@!_b2=C3':

Enable BGP on VPN connection

Azure VPN gateway supports BGP dynamic routing protocol. You can enable BGP on each individual connection, depending on whether you are using BGP in your on-premises networks and devices. Specify the following BGP properties before enabling BGP on the connection:

  • Azure VPN ASN (Autonomous System Number)
  • On-premises local network gateway ASN
  • On-premises local network gateway BGP peer IP address

If you have not configured the BGP properties, the following commands add these properties to your VPN gateway and local network gateway: Set-AzVirtualNetworkGateway and Set-AzLocalNetworkGateway.

Use the following example to configure BGP properties:

Enable BGP with Set-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection.

You can disable BGP by changing the '-EnableBGP' property value to $False. Refer to BGP on Azure VPN gateways for more detailed explanations of BGP on Azure VPN gateways.

Apply a custom IPsec/IKE policy on the connection

You can apply an optional IPsec/IKE policy to specify the exact combination of IPsec/IKE cryptographic algorithms and key strengths on the connection, instead of using the default proposals. The following sample script creates a different IPsec/IKE policy with the following algorithms and parameters:

  • IKEv2: AES256, SHA256, DHGroup14
  • IPsec: AES128, SHA1, PFS14, SA Lifetime 14,400 seconds & 102,400,000 KB

Refer to IPsec/IKE policy for S2S or VNet-to-VNet connections for a complete list of algorithms and instructions.

Add another S2S VPN connection

Add an additional S2S VPN connection to the same VPN gateway, create another local network gateway, and create a new connection between the new local network gateway and the VPN gateway. Use the following examples, making sure to modify the variables to reflect your own network configuration.

There are now two S2S VPN connections to your Azure VPN gateway.

Delete a S2S VPN connection

Delete a S2S VPN connection with Remove-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection.

Linksys Pre Shared Key

Delete the local network gateway if you no longer need it. You cannot delete a local network gateway if there are other connections associated with it.

Clean up resources

If this configuration is part of a prototype, test, or proof-of-concept deployment, you can use the Remove-AzResourceGroup command to remove the resource group, the VPN gateway, and all related resources.

Next steps

In this tutorial, you learned about creating and managing S2S VPN connections such as how to:

  • Create an S2S VPN connection
  • Update the connection property: pre-shared key, BGP, IPsec/IKE policy
  • Add more VPN connections
  • Delete a VPN connection

Advance to the following tutorials to learn about S2S, VNet-to-VNet, and P2S connections.

Wpa Pre Shared Key Linksys

Preshared keys is the simplest authentication method for IKE. If youare configuring two systems to use IKE, and you are the administrator forboth of the systems, using preshared keys is a good choice. However, unlikepublic key certificates, preshared keys are tied to particular IP addresses.Preshared keys cannot be used with mobile systems or systems that might berenumbered. Also, when you use preshared keys, you cannot offload IKE computationsto attached hardware.

How to Configure IKE With Preshared Keys

The IKE implementation offers algorithms whose keys vary in length.The key length that you choose is determined by site security. In general,longer keys provide more security than shorter keys.

These procedures use the system names enigma and partym.Substitute the names of your systems for the names enigma and partym.

  1. On the system console, assume the Primary Administrator role orbecome superuser.

    The Primary Administrator role includes thePrimary Administrator profile. To create the role and assign the role to auser, see Chapter 2, Working With the Solaris Management Console (Tasks), in System Administration Guide: Basic Administration.

    Note –

    Loggingin remotely exposes security-critical traffic to eavesdropping. Even if yousomehow protect the remote login, the security of the system is reduced tothe security of the remote login session. Use the ssh command for a secure remotelogin.

  2. On each system, copy the file /etc/inet/ike/config.sample to the file /etc/inet/ike/config.

  3. Enterrules and global parameters in the ike/config file oneach system.

    The rules and global parameters in this file shouldpermit the IPsec policy in the system's ipsecinit.conf fileto succeed. The following ike/config examples work withthe ipsecinit.conf examples in How to Secure Traffic Between Two Systems With IPsec.

    1. For example, modify the /etc/inet/ike/config fileon the enigma system:

      Note –

      All arguments to the auth_method parametermust be on the same line.

    2. Modify the /etc/inet/ike/config file on the partym system:

  4. On each system, verify the syntax of the file.

  5. Generate randomnumbers for use as keying material.

    If your site has a randomnumber generator, use that generator. On a Solaris system, you can use the od command. For example, the following command prints two linesof hexadecimal numbers:

    For an explanation of the od command, see How to Generate Random Numbers on a Solaris System andthe od(1) manpage.

    Note –

    Other operating systems can require ASCII keying material. Togenerate the identical key in hexadecimal and ASCII formats, see Example 22–1.

  6. From the output of Step 5, construct one key.

    The authentication algorithm in this procedure is MD5, as shown in Step 3. The size of the hash, thatis, the size of the authentication algorithm's output, determines the minimumrecommended size of a preshared key. The output of the MD5 algorithm is 128bits, or 32 characters. The example key is 56 characters long, which providesadditional keying material for IKE to use.

  7. Create the file /etc/inet/secret/ike.preshared oneach system.

    Put the preshared key in each file.

    1. For example, on the enigma system, the ike.preshared file would appear similar to the following:

    2. On the partym system, the ike.preshared file would appear similar to the following:

    Note –

    The preshared keys on each system must be identical.

Example 22–1 Generating Identical Keying Material for Two Systems With DifferentOperating Systems

Solaris IPsecinteroperates with other operating systems. If your system is communicatingwith a system that requires ASCII preshared keys, you need to generate onekey in two formats, hexadecimal and ASCII.

In this example, the Solaris system administrator wants 56 charactersof keying material. The administrator uses the following command to generatea hexadecimal key from an ASCII passphrase. The option -tx1 printsthe bytes one at a time on all Solaris systems.

By removing the offsets and concatenating the hexadecimal output, thehexadecimal key for the Solaris system is 7061706965726d616368652077697468206361736865777320616e64. The administrator places this value in the ike.preshared fileon the Solaris system.

On the system that requires ASCII preshared keys, the passphrase isthe preshared key. The Solaris system administrator telephones the other administratorwith the passphrase, papiermache with cashews and.

How to Refresh IKE Preshared Keys

Thisprocedure assumes that you want to replace an existing preshared key at regularintervals.

  1. On the system console, assume the Primary Administrator role orbecome superuser.

    The Primary Administrator role includes thePrimary Administrator profile. To create the role and assign the role to auser, see Chapter 2, Working With the Solaris Management Console (Tasks), in System Administration Guide: Basic Administration.

    Note –

    Logging in remotely exposes security-critical traffic to eavesdropping.Even if you somehow protect the remote login, the security of the system isreduced to the security of the remote login session. Use the ssh commandfor a secure remote login.

  2. Generate random numbers and construct a key of the appropriatelength.

    For details, see How to Generate Random Numbers on a Solaris System. If you are generatinga preshared key for a Solaris system that is communicating with an operatingsystem that requires ASCII, see Example 22–1.

  3. Replace the current key with a new key.

    For example,on the hosts enigma and partym,you would replace the value of key in the /etc/inet/secret/ike.preshared file with a new number of the same length.

  4. Refresh the IKE keys.

How to ViewIKE Preshared Keys

By default, the ikeadm command prevents you fromviewing the actual keys in a dump of a Phase 1 SA. Viewing the keys is usefulduring debugging.

To view the actual keys, you must increase the privilege level of thedaemon. For a description of the privilege levels, see IKE Administration Command.

Before You Begin

IKE is configured and the ike service is running.

  1. View the IKE preshared keys.

  2. If you get an error, increase the privilege level of the in.iked daemon.

    1. Increase the privilege level of the in.iked daemonin the SMF repository.

    2. Increase the privilege level of the running in.iked daemon.

    3. (Optional) Confirm that the privilege level is keymat.

    4. View the keys by running Step 1 again.

  3. Return the IKE daemon to the base privilege level.

    1. After you view the keys, return the privilege level to the default.

    2. Refresh and then restart IKE.

Generate preshared key ascii solaris 10

How to Add an IKE Preshared Key for a New PolicyEntry in ipsecinit.conf

If you add IPsec policy entries while IPsec and IKEare running, you restart the policy serviceand refresh the ike service after you add the new keys.

Before You Begin

This procedure assumes the following:

Pre Shared Key Blackberry

  • The enigma system is set up as describedin How to Configure IKE With Preshared Keys.

  • The enigma system is going to protectits traffic with a new system, ada.

  • The in.iked daemon is running on both systems.

  • The systems' interfaces are included as entries in the /etc/hosts file on both systems. The following entry is an example.

    This procedure also works with an IPv6 address. In Solaris Express Community Edition,IPv6 addresses are placed in the /etc/hosts file.

  • You have added a new policy entry to the /etc/inet/ipsecinit.conf file on both systems. The entries appear similar to the following:

  • You have verified thesyntax of the /etc/inet/ipsecinit.conf file on both systemsby using the following:

  1. On the system console, assume the Primary Administrator role orbecome superuser.

    The Primary Administrator role includes thePrimary Administrator profile. To create the role and assign the role to auser, see Chapter 2, Working With the Solaris Management Console (Tasks), in System Administration Guide: Basic Administration.

    Note –

    Logging in remotely exposes security-critical traffic to eavesdropping.Even if you somehow protect the remote login, the security of the system isreduced to the security of the remote login session. Use the ssh command forsecure remote login.

  2. On this system,generate random numbers and construct a key of 64 to 448 bits.

    Fordetails, see How to Generate Random Numbers on a Solaris System. If you are generating a preshared key for aSolaris system that is communicating with an operating system that requiresASCII, see Example 22–1.

  3. By some means, send the key to the administrator of theremote system.

    You both need to add the same preshared key atthe same time. Your key is only as safe as the safety of your transmissionmechanism. An out-of-band mechanism, such as registered mail or a protectedfax machine, is best. You can also use an ssh session toadminister both systems.

  4. Create a rule for IKE to manage the keysfor enigma and ada.

    1. On the enigma system, add the following rule to the /etc/inet/ike/config file:

    2. On the ada system, add the following rule:

  5. Ensure that IKE preshared keys are available at reboot.

    1. On the enigma system, addthe following information to the /etc/inet/secret/ike.preshared file:

    2. On the ada system, add the following informationto the ike.preshared file:

  6. On each system, restartthe IPsec policy service to secure the added interface.

  7. On each system, refresh the ike service.

  8. Verify that the systems can communicate.

    See How to Verify That IKE Preshared Keys Are Identical.

Example 22–2 Adding an IKE Preshared Key for a New IPsec Policy Entry

Generate Preshared Key Ascii Solaris Free

In the following example, the administrator is adding preshared keyto a Solaris system that is not running the current Solaris release. The administratorfollows the preceding procedure to modify the ike/config and ike.preshared files, and to generate keys and contact the remotesystem. The administrator uses different commands to read the new IPsec policyand IKE rules into the kernel.

  • Before generating the new key, the administrator sets theprivilege level of the in.iked daemon to 2.

  • After sending the key to the other system and adding the newkey to the system, the administrator lowers the privilege level.

  • Then, the administrator reads the new IPsec policy into thekernel.

  • Finally, the administrator reads the new IKE rules into thekernel.

How to Verify That IKE Preshared Keys Are Identical

If the preshared keys on the communicating systems are not identical,the systems cannot authenticate.

Before You Begin

IPsec has been configured and is enabled between the two systems thatyou are testing.

  1. On the system console on each system, assume the Primary Administratorrole or become superuser.

    The Primary Administrator role includesthe Primary Administrator profile. To create the role and assign the roleto a user, see Chapter 2, Working With the Solaris Management Console (Tasks), in System Administration Guide: Basic Administration.

    Note –

    Logging in remotely exposes security-critical traffic to eavesdropping.Even if you somehow protect the remote login, the security of the system isreduced to the security of the remote login session. Use the ssh command for secure remotelogin.

  2. On each system, checkthe privilege level of the in.iked daemon.

    • If the privilege level is keymat, continuewith Step 3.

    • If the privilege level is base or modkeys, increase the privilege level.

      Then, refreshand restart the ike service.

  3. On each system, view the preshared keyinformation.

  4. Compare the two dumps.

    If the preshared keys are notidentical, replace one key with the other key in the /etc/inet/secret/ike.preshared file.

  5. When the verificationis complete, return the privilege level to the default on each system.