Generating Rsa Private Key 2048 Bit Long Modulus

  1. Generating Rsa Private Key 2048 Bit Long Modulus 1
  2. Generating Rsa Private Key 2048 Bit Long Modulus Chart

Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus. e is 65537 (0x10001) This step is required only when your server private key is not in PKCS#8 format. Convert the private key to PKCS#8 format. When prompted, provide a secure password of your choice for the encryption. When a RSA key is said to have length '2048', it really means that the modulus value lies between 2 2047 and 2 2048. Since the public and private key of a given pair share the same modulus, they also have, by definition, the same 'length'. However, both the public and private key contain other values, besides to modulus.

Sep 11, 2018  openssl で秘密鍵を作成してみる 標準2048ビットとなっていたので 最小は?と思い 1ビットで試してみる v1.1.1 OpenSSL version OpenSSL 1.1.1 11 Sep 2018 OpenSSL genrsa 1 OpenSSL genrsa 1 Generating RSA private key, 1 bit long modulus (2 primes) 28060:error:04081078:rsa routines:rsabuiltinkeygen:key size too small:cryptorsarsagen.c:78: er.

'OpenSSL' Signing CSR Generated by 'keytool'

'OpenSSL' Generating CA's Private Key

This section provides a tutorial example on how to use OpenSSL to generate a RSA private key of 2048 bit long with OpenSSL. This key will be used as the CA's private key and must stored securely in a file with password protection.

As a CA, I must have a good private key (2048 bit long) and I must store it securely in a file. This can be done with a single OpenSSL command 'openssl genrsa' as shown in the following command window session:

Notes about what I did here:

  • 'genrsa' command is used to generate a pair of private key and public key using RSA algorithm.
  • '-out herong.key' tells openssl to store the private key in a file called herong.key.
  • '-des' option is used to encrypt my private key file 'herong.key' with DES algorithm.
  • '2048' used to force openssl to generate keys a length of 2048 bits. The default length is 512. Longer keys give better protection.
  • '-passout keypass' is not used on the command line, because it does not work (See the test below). So I entered it when 'OpenSSL' prompted for it.
  • 'type herong.key' is Windows command to shows the content of 'herong.key'.

Error message received when '-passout keypass' is used:

Recently, someone emailed me the correct syntax of the '-passout' option: '-passout pass:<password>'. Here is an example of how to use the '-passout' option correctly:

Want to see some details about my private key? Run the 'openssl rsa' command as shown below:

Now I am ready to generate a self-signed public key certificate based on my private key file as described in the section below.

Table of Contents

About This Book

Cryptography Terminology

Cryptography Basic Concepts

Introduction to AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)

Introduction to DES Algorithm

DES Algorithm - Illustrated with Java Programs

DES Algorithm Java Implementation

DES Algorithm - Java Implementation in JDK JCE

DES Encryption Operation Modes

DES in Stream Cipher Modes

PHP Implementation of DES - mcrypt

Blowfish - 8-Byte Block Cipher

Secret Key Generation and Management

Cipher - Secret Key Encryption and Decryption

Introduction of RSA Algorithm

RSA Implementation using java.math.BigInteger Class

Introduction of DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm)

Java Default Implementation of DSA

Generate dsa key pair openssl free. Private key and Public Key Pair Generation

PKCS#8/X.509 Private/Public Encoding Standards

Cipher - Public Key Encryption and Decryption

MD5 Mesasge Digest Algorithm

SHA1 Mesasge Digest Algorithm

OpenSSL Introduction and Installation

OpenSSL Generating and Managing RSA Keys

OpenSSL Managing Certificates

OpenSSL Generating and Signing CSR

OpenSSL Validating Certificate Path

'keytool' and 'keystore' from JDK

'OpenSSL' Signing CSR Generated by 'keytool'

'OpenSSL' Acting as a CA (Certificate Authority)

'OpenSSL' Generating CA's Private Key

'OpenSSL' Self-Signing CA's Public Key

'keytool' Generating Maria's Private Key

'keytool' Generating Maria's CSR

'OpenSSL' Signing Maria's CSR

'OpenSSL' Managing Serial Numbers when Signing CSR

'keytool' Importing CA's Own Certificate

'keytool' Importing Maria's Certificate Signed by CA

Migrating Keys from 'keystore' to 'OpenSSL' Key Files

Certificate X.509 Standard and DER/PEM Formats

Migrating Keys from 'OpenSSL' Key Files to 'keystore'

Using Certificates in IE

Using Certificates in Google Chrome

Using Certificates in Firefox

Outdated Tutorials


Full Version in PDF/EPUB

Certificate chains can be used to securely connect to the Oracle NoSQL Database Proxy. This section provides the steps to generate certificate chains and other required files for a secure connection using OpenSSL.

A certificate chain is provided by a Certificate Authority (CA). There are many CAs. Each CA has a different registration process to generate a certificate chain. Follow the steps provided by your CA for the process to obtain a certificate chain from them.

As a pre-requisite, download and install OpenSSL on the host machine. See OpenSSL .

To generate a certificate chain and private key using the OpenSSL, complete the following steps:

  1. On the configuration host, navigate to the directory where the certificate file is required to be placed.
  2. Create a 2048 bit server private key.The following output is displayed.
  3. This step is required only when your server private key is not in PKCS#8 format. Convert the private key to PKCS#8 format. When prompted, provide a secure password of your choice for the encryption.The following output is displayed.
  4. Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).where, CN in the subj should map the proxy domain name.
  5. Send Certificate Signing Request (CSR) data file to CA. CA will use CSR data to issue a SSL certificate.
  6. CA returns a signed certificate certificate.pem. If it is not yet chained up with CA's certificate (rootCA.crt), you need to manually chain up.
The following files are generated in the directory:
  • key.pem is the server private key.
  • key-pkcs8.pem is the server private key in PKCS#8 format.
  • certificate.pem is the certificate chain file in pem format. It includes the server certificate issued by CA and CA intermediate or root certificate.
  • request.csr is the server certificate request file.
  • rootCA.crt is the root certificate provided by the CA.

Generating Rsa Private Key 2048 Bit Long Modulus 1

Additionally, a file is also required if you are using the Java driver, and if the rootCA.crt is not listed in Java default trust store JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts. This file is not required for other language drivers. To generate the file, import the rootCA.crt certificate to the Java keystore. When prompted, provide the keystore password.

Generating Rsa Private Key 2048 Bit Long Modulus Chart

For the Python driver, if your selected CA is not trusted by default, you need to get the rootCA.crt from CA and set the system environment variable: