Putty Key Generator In Sourcetree

  1. Sourcetree Putty Key Generator
  2. Putty Key Generator In Sourcetree For Mac
  3. Putty
  4. Putty Key Generator In Sourcetree 2017
  5. Putty Key Generator In Sourcetree Windows 10

Setting up SSH access to my Bitbucket Mercurial repository on Windows took a bit longer than I would have liked. Since Google doesn’t come up with any direct hits that give a step-by-step guide to exactly dealing with this issue, and since the Bitbucket documentation leaves the Windows user high and dry with a ‘This is not described in further detail here’ message, I’m going to go ahead and write one of my own.

If you don’t have a public/private encryption key pair, you first need to get those:

Download PuTTY. PuTTY is an SSH and telnet client, developed originally by Simon Tatham for the Windows platform. PuTTY is open source software that is available with source code and is developed and supported by a group of volunteers. This page contains download links for the latest released version of PuTTY. Currently this is 0.73, released on 2019-09-29. When new releases come out, this page will update to contain the latest, so this is a good page to bookmark or link to.

  • Download the Putty tools: Make sure you get at least PuttyGen and Pageant. They’re both included in the ‘Windows Installer for Everything…’
  • Run PuttyGen and click on Generate to create a new key
  • You can change the ‘Key comment’ to anything you like. Something that includes the encryption method, date, username and computer is probably helpful e.g. rsa-key-20101130-user@home
  • The ‘Key passphrase’ is something that will be used to secure the private key that’s stored locally on your computer. Unless someone has the passphrase, they cannot access your private key. The PuttyGen documentation says

Choosing a good passphrase is difficult. Just as you shouldn’t use a dictionary word as a password because it’s easy for an attacker to run through a whole dictionary, you should not use a song lyric, quotation or other well-known sentence as a passphrase. DiceWare recommends using at least five words each generated randomly by rolling five dice, which gives over 2^64 possible passphrases and is probably not a bad scheme. If you want your passphrase to make grammatical sense, this cuts down the possibilities a lot and you should use a longer one as a result.

Now you can click on the ‘Save private key’ and ‘Save public key’ buttons to save the files to disk. Don’t close the dialog box yet as we’ll need it soon.

Now go to your Bitbucket home, and click on the Accounts button

Scroll down to the SSH Keys section. Copy your public key from the PuttyGen window where it says ‘Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file’ and paste it in the textbox next to the ‘Add Key’ button. Now press ‘Add Key’ and Bitbucket should store the key for you.

To avoid having to type in your long passphrase every time you use your private key for commits, you need to keep the Pageant program running in the background. You can have it set up to start once per your Windows session so you only have to provide the passphrase once, and then it keeps running in the background. You can do this by typing

pageant private.ppk

from the command line (where private.ppk is the file where you saved your private key).

Sourcetree Putty Key Generator

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This page contains download links for the latest released version ofPuTTY.Currently this is 0.73, released on 2019-09-29.

When new releases come out, this page will update to contain thelatest, so this is a good page to bookmark or link to.Alternatively, here is apermanent link to the 0.73 release.

Release versions of PuTTY are versions we think are reasonably likelyto work well. However, they are often not the most up-to-dateversion of the code available. If you have a problem with thisrelease, then it might be worth trying outthe development snapshots,to see if the problem has already been fixed in those versions.

Package files

You probably want one of these. They include versions of all thePuTTY utilities.

(Not sure whether you want the 32-bit or the 64-bit version? Read theFAQ entry.)

32-bit:putty-0.73-installer.msi(or by FTP)(signature)
64-bit:putty-64bit-0.73-installer.msi(or by FTP)(signature)
.tar.gz:putty-0.73.tar.gz(or by FTP)(signature)

Alternative binary files

The installer packages above will provide versions of all of these(except PuTTYtel), but you can download standalone binaries oneby one if you prefer. Shogun 2 cd key generator v1 2.

Putty key generator linux

(Not sure whether you want the 32-bit or the 64-bit version? Read theFAQ entry.)

32-bit:putty.exe(or by FTP)(signature)
pscp.exe (an SCP client, i.e. command-line secure file copy)
64-bit:pscp.exe(or by FTP)(signature)
psftp.exe (an SFTP client, i.e. general file transfer sessions much like FTP)
64-bit:psftp.exe(or by FTP)(signature)
32-bit:puttytel.exe(or by FTP)(signature)
plink.exe (a command-line interface to the PuTTY back ends)
64-bit:plink.exe(or by FTP)(signature)
pageant.exe (an SSH authentication agent for PuTTY, PSCP, PSFTP, and Plink)
64-bit:pageant.exe(or by FTP)(signature)
puttygen.exe (a RSA and DSA key generation utility)
64-bit:puttygen.exe(or by FTP)(signature)
32-bit:putty.zip(or by FTP)(signature)


HTML:Contents page
Zipped HTML:puttydoc.zip(or by FTP)
Windows HTML Help:putty.chm(or by FTP)

Source code

.tar.gz:putty-0.73.tar.gz(or by FTP)(signature)
.zip:putty-src.zip(or by FTP)(signature)

Downloads for Windows on Arm

Compiled executable files for Windows on Arm. These are believed towork, but as yet, they have had minimal testing.

64-bit Arm:putty-arm64-0.73-installer.msi(or by FTP)(signature)

Putty Key Generator In Sourcetree For Mac

32-bit Arm:putty-arm32-0.73-installer.msi(or by FTP)(signature)
64-bit Arm:putty.exe(or by FTP)(signature)
64-bit Arm:psftp.exe(or by FTP)(signature)
64-bit Arm:plink.exe(or by FTP)(signature)
64-bit Arm:puttygen.exe(or by FTP)(signature)
32-bit Arm:pscp.exe(or by FTP)(signature)
32-bit Arm:puttytel.exe(or by FTP)(signature)
32-bit Arm:pageant.exe(or by FTP)(signature)
Zip file of all Windows on Arm executables
32-bit Arm:putty.zip(or by FTP)(signature)

Checksum files


MD5:md5sums(or by FTP)(signature)

Putty Key Generator In Sourcetree 2017

SHA-256:sha256sums(or by FTP)(signature)
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Putty Key Generator In Sourcetree Windows 10

(last modified on Sun Sep 29 16:16:48 2019)